Free Sci-Fi online FPS games

Free Sci-Fi online FPS
This second list includes free online first-person shooters that are unrealistic and usually set in the future. These FPS's often have similarities to shooters like Quake or Unreal Tournament. Most of them have relatively fast-paced gameplay and fictional weaponry like gravity guns and plasma weapons. There are around 10 games in this list that also have Linux and/or Mac versions. Some shooters may have very low player base or no players at all.

Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter that recently became a free-to-play game. This shooter has cartoon style graphics and nine different player classes.
System requirements: 1.7 GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, DirectX 8.1 level graphics card.  (also available for Mac)

Quake Live

Quake Live
Quake Live is a browser-based variant of famous online first-person shooter, Quake III Arena. Some arenas, game types and server options are not available for free users.
System requirements: 800 MHz CPU, 512MB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce4 MX / ATI Radeon 8500.  (also available for Linux and Mac)

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Half-Life 2: DM is a fast multiplayer first-person shooter where you can also throw objects with gravity gun. Half-Life 2: Deathmatch is only free for ATI and NVIDIA graphics card users.
System requirements: 1.2 GHz processor, 256MB RAM, DirectX 7 level graphics card.

F.E.A.R. Combat

F.E.A.R. Combat
F.E.A.R. Combat is a free stand-alone multiplayer component of F.E.A.R., the horror themed first-person shooter. You have to register a free CD-Key to join F.E.A.R. Combat.
System requirements: 1.7 GHz Pentium 4, 512MB RAM, 64MB GeForce 4 Ti / Radeon 9000.


Wolfteam is a fast-paced MMOFPS with many special features - like ability to transform into a werewolf. Wolfteam has large assortment of modern weaponry and 7 game modes.
System requirements: 1.4 GHz Pentium 4, 512MB RAM, GeForce 5700 or higher. ,


Windows, Linux and Mac FPS - Xonotic
Xonotic is a free open source fast-paced first-person shooter that is direct successor of the Nexuiz Project. Xonotic features new physics, maps, player models and animations.
System requirements: unknown, similar to Nexuiz.  (also available for Linux and Mac)

Mars War

Sci-Fi MMOFPS - Mars War
Mars War is a free-to-play Sci-Fi MMOFPS with huge maps that can contain hundreds of real players. Mars War has wide variety of robots, equipments and vehicles (tanks, spaceships).
System requirements: Pentium IV 2.0 GHz, 1GB RAM, Geforce 6200 / Radeon 9550.


Nexuiz is a free fast-paced cross platform first-person shooter, which runs on DarkPlaces engine. Nexuiz also includes a relatively short single-player campaign with bots.
System requirements: 1 GHz Pentium III or AMD Athlon, 512MB RAM, GeForce 2.  (also available for Linux and Mac)


Cartoony FPS - Warsow
Warsow is a multiplayer free FPS set in a cartoonish world. Warsow's gameplay focuses on fast movements and tricksjumps (such as bunny hopping, wall jumping, rocket jumping...).  (also available for Linux and Mac)

Alien Arena 2011

Alien Arena 2011
Alien Arena is a retro Sci-Fi multiplayer FPS based on the CRX engine. Alien Arena 2011 has wide set of fun and unique weapons, dozens of maps, various play types and accessories.
System requirements: 1GHz CPU, 256MB RAM, OpenGL compatible graphics card.  (also available for Linux and Mac)

Celestial Impact

Shooter with destructible world - Celestial Impact
Celestial Impact is a team based multiplayer first-person shooter that takes place on asteroids floating in space. It features destructible world and ability to add terrain to the landscape.
System requirements: 2 GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 128MB GeForce 6000 series or equivalent.

World of Padman

Screenshot of World of Padman
World of Padman is a cartoony free FPS game set in the miniature world of Padman. WoP has over 23 richly detailed maps, each supporting up to seven different play modes.
System requirements: 1 GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 128MB OpenGL Video Card.  (also available for Linux and Mac)


Sauerbraten gameplay
Sauerbraten is a free first-person shooter similar to Quake. Sauerbraten features both single-player and multiplayer modes, it also includes a dynamic ingame level editor.
System requirements: 733 MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, 32MB GeForce 2 MX.  (also available for Linux and Mac)


Free RTS FPS - Tremulous
Tremulous is a free game that blends team-based FPS with real-time strategy elements. This shooter features two teams: humans and aliens, both teams can build in-game structures.
System requirements: 800 MHz CPU, 256MB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 4 / ATI Radeon 9200.  (also available for Linux and Mac)


OpenArena is a free open-source clone of Quake III Arena. The gameplay is basically identical to the shooter it's based on, even some Quake 3 mods work with OpenArena.
System requirements: Pentium II 233 MHz, 64MB RAM, 16MB OpenGL video card.  (also available for Linux and Mac)


Browser based MMOFPS - UberStrike
UberStrike is a free-to-play cross-platform online first-person shooter, available for both Mac and Windows PC. UberStrike is the world’s first browser-based MMOFPS.  (also available for Mac)

Red Alert: A Path Beyond

Red Alert: A Path Beyond
Red Alert: A Path Beyond is a first-person shooter based on classic real time strategy, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. This shooter is standalone and free to play.
System requirements: 800 MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, 32MB DirectX 7 compatible video card.

Legions: Overdrive

Legions: Overdrive
Legions: Overdrive is a free Sci-Fi FPS based on cancelled project, Fallen Empire: Legions. Many gameplay elements in Legions: Overdrive are borrowed from the Tribes series.
System requirements: 2.2 GHz Pentium 4, 512MB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 6800 / 8400.

SCUD Storm

SCUD Storm
SCUD Storm is a freeware game that turns Command and Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour into a 3D first-person shooter. SCUD Storm is standalone, you don't need any game to play this.

Starsiege: Tribes

Starsiege: Tribes
Starsiege: Tribes is a multiplayer Sci-Fi first-person shooter with no single-player campaign. It was released for free to promote the release of Tribes: Vengeance, the upcoming sequel.
System requirements: Pentium 166 MHz, 32MB RAM, 3D graphics accelerator.

Tribes 2

Tribes 2
Tribes 2 is a sequel to Starsiege: Tribes, set in the year 3941. Tribes 2 is a completely free to download multiplayer first/third-person shooter that takes place in fictional Earthsiege universe.
System requirements: Pentium II 500 MHz, 64MB RAM, 12MB video card. 


Linux FPS with jetpacks - Legends
Legends is a fast-paced freeware online first-person shooter with jetpacks, similar to Tribes. This shooter also has mission editor and terrain generator integrated into the game engine.  (also available for Linux)


Free Sci-Fi online FPS game - Galacticwar
Galacticwar is a free Sci-Fi first-person shooter that features both single-player and multiplayer modes. Galacticwar (GCW) will have single-player campaign and vehicles in the future.

Daikatana Deathmatch

Daikatana Deathmatch
Daikatana Deathmatch is a free and non-profit fan made multiplayer modification of Daikatana. This modification is multiplayer only and have all single-player maps removed.
Minimum requirements: Pentium 233, 32MB RAM, 4MB OpenGL compliant video card.


Transfusion is a free to download online first-person shooter that aims to be a total remake of Monolith's Blood. This multiplayer only shooter is based on the DarkPlaces engine.  (also available for Linux)

Control Monger

Control Monger
Control Monger is a free Sci-Fi first-person shooter in which you take control of a robot. Control Monger features seven player types and support for LAN play.
System requirements: 1.5 GHz CPU, 256MB RAM, 3D capable card 64MB video card.



Anonymous said...

great list..
thanks a bunch.

Anonymous said...

hello some of these games i dont know about but ill check but nice list

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this list it is by far The Best in the whole internet. THank you and God bless.

Scott said...

Glad to see Tribes 2 on the list. That would be my pick of the bunch. What a game. :)

Anonymous said...

No Daikatana Deathmatch =)

freeshooters said...

Daikatana Deathmatch added :p

Anonymous said...

Wow... I completely forgot Phosphor... It was one of my favorite games, many, MANY years ago...

Anonymous said...

One of the best lists I've come across in quite some time. Excellent job!

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't anyone play Celestial Impact? It's probably the best free FPS there. No other shooter has destructible world and ability to dig like a mole :D

Anonymous said...

DK DM - Brilliant =) Fantastic list! =)

Unknown said...

I don't know where to start!

Anonymous said...

Genesis AD has been cancelled by IJJI.

Anonymous said...

half life 2 is not free

Anonymous said...

Genesis AD is down and might not come back up

Anonymous said...

which one of these games is the most played and also which is the best

Anonymous said...

celestial impact is good:-)

freeshooters said...

@ Anonymous, June 13
Half-Life 2 is not free, but Half-Life 2: Deathmatch is completely free if you have an ATI or Nvidia video card. If you don't have, then borrow from a friend to install the game.

Anonymous said...

There's also Gore Special Edition:

Anonymous said...

I have played most of these games. Some are great. But Alien Arena really stands out.

Anonymous said...

FEAR combat is the best :)

Anonymous said...

Here’s a great FREE game that I hope you can check out. It’s called Legions Overdrive. Enjoy!!

Here’s the website link:

Anonymous said...

i have never seen so many games like this for free
is i had of know ther wer free fpses i good not have spent 600 bucks on other shit games

Anonymous said...

Add blacklight retrubution

Anonymous said...

WOAHHH!!! they even have legions overdrive here? that game is AWESOMEEE!!! can't wait to play it :D

mrburton1776 said...

Hey!! Add "Red Eclipse".....

Mathew said...

Well actually misses the Game "Blacklight: Retribution" :P just played it and was searchng for new FPS!

Anonymous said...

amazing list, thank you :)

Unknown said...

Blacklight Retribution:

Anonymous said...

You should also add FireFall. It has a class based gameplay with jetpacks included for air movement.

Check it out in firefallthegame dot com.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU FOR PUTTING SAUERBRATEN ON THIS LIST! ive been looking for it and i couldnt remember what it was called! this really helped alot!

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